
March 2015

Polyseed 1st Green Products

Polyseed 1st Green Products

The journey begins with a humble start in 2015 as the company lays its foundation to produce Green Plastic. The vision is to create an environmentally-friendly alternative to conventional plastics, addressing the growing concern of plastic pollution and its impact on the planet.

May 2015

Green Consigement

In 2016, as newcomers to the retail industry, we adopt a consignment strategy to introduce our products to the market while minimizing financial risks. Concurrently, we actively pursue partnerships with various mini-markets and local small markets. Emphasizing the eco-friendliness, quality, and affordability of our products, we successfully secure exclusive retail partnerships, which play a vital role in diversifying our market presence and establishing our brand in the retail sector. This year proves pivotal in laying the groundwork for our future growth and recognition within the industry.

August 2015

Melaka Roll Out Green Policy

In 2015, the vibrant Malaysian state of Melaka took a significant step towards sustainability and environmental stewardship by rolling out its groundbreaking Green Policy. This ambitious initiative aimed to transform Melaka into a model green city by implementing a series of comprehensive measures to mitigate environmental challenges and promote eco-friendly practices. The policy encompassed various sectors, including energy, waste management, transportation, and urban planning, fostering a holistic approach to combat climate change and protect the region’s natural beauty. Emphasizing renewable energy sources, waste reduction strategies, and green infrastructure, the Green Policy not only set the stage for a greener and cleaner future but also inspired neighboring regions and garnered international recognition for Melaka’s commitment to building a more sustainable world.

September 2015

Street Stall Support Green

In September 2015, a heartwarming tale unfolded on a bustling street corner where a community united to support a green initiative. A small group of passionate environmentalists set up a street stall to raise awareness about sustainability and promote eco-friendly practices. Their vibrant posters and enthusiastic smiles attracted curious passersby, igniting conversations about the importance of preserving the planet. As the day progressed, more people joined the cause, donating reusable bags, planting saplings, and pledging to reduce their carbon footprint. The street stall transformed into a hub of positivity and camaraderie, inspiring hope and promising a greener, brighter future for all.

October 2015

Non Green to Green Exchange

In October 2015, a remarkable transformation took place as a community initiated the Non Green to Green Exchange project. It all began with a group of eco-conscious individuals, frustrated by the growing environmental challenges in their neighborhood. Determined to make a difference, they organized a unique event where residents could exchange their non-green products for eco-friendly alternatives. The response was overwhelming as people eagerly participated, swapping plastic bags for reusable ones, plastic bottles for stainless steel, and chemical-laden cleaning products for natural alternatives. The event became a catalyst for change, sparking a wave of eco-consciousness throughout the community. By the end of the day, the neighborhood was abuzz with the sound of enthusiasm and optimism, as they collectively embarked on a greener journey, one exchange at a time.

November 2015

100 Fastest Growing SME

In November 2015, the entrepreneurial spirit soared as the nation celebrated the 100 Fastest Growing SME Awards. The event recognized and honored small and medium-sized enterprises that had shown exceptional growth and innovation in their respective industries. From diverse sectors such as technology, manufacturing, healthcare, and hospitality, these outstanding companies had defied challenges and seized opportunities, propelling them to success. As entrepreneurs and business leaders gathered for the prestigious awards ceremony, a sense of camaraderie and determination filled the air. The evening unfolded with stories of perseverance, ingenuity, and unwavering dedication to excellence, inspiring a new generation of aspiring entrepreneurs. The 100 Fastest Growing SME Awards not only celebrated achievements but also fostered a spirit of collaboration and support, fueling a thriving ecosystem for small and medium-sized businesses to flourish in the years to come.

February 2016

Green Project with Cenviro Group

In February 2016, a groundbreaking initiative known as the “100 Green Project” was launched in collaboration with the Cenviro Group. This ambitious endeavor aimed to plant 100,000 trees across various regions, focusing on restoring and preserving natural habitats. With a diverse team of environmentalists, volunteers, and local communities, the project kicked off with fervor and determination. Each tree planted symbolized a step towards a greener and more sustainable future, and as the project gained momentum, it became a catalyst for environmental consciousness. Partnerships with schools and businesses further amplified the efforts, fostering a sense of collective responsibility for the planet. By the end of February, the 100 Green Project had not only achieved its goal but also sowed the seeds of a greener legacy, inspiring a nation to continue nurturing and protecting the earth for generations to come.

March 2016

KL Mayor Meeting

In March 2016, an eagerly anticipated meeting took place in Kuala Lumpur, where the city’s mayor convened with community leaders and stakeholders to address pressing urban challenges. The KL Mayor Meeting brought together representatives from various sectors to discuss strategies for enhancing city infrastructure, promoting sustainable development, and improving the overall quality of life for residents. The gathering served as a platform for constructive dialogue, sparking innovative ideas and collaborative solutions to tackle issues such as traffic congestion, waste management, and urban revitalization. With a shared vision for a vibrant and resilient city, the meeting concluded with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to turning Kuala Lumpur into a model metropolis, one that harmoniously blends modernity with the preservation of its cultural heritage and natural beauty.

March 2016

Melaka 40 yrs Distributor Go Green

In March 2016, a remarkable journey began for a Melaka-based distributor as they proudly celebrated 40 years of success in the industry. To mark this significant milestone, the company embarked on a transformative initiative titled “Go Green @ 40.” Recognizing the importance of environmental stewardship, they pledged to implement sustainable practices throughout their operations. The journey began with reducing their carbon footprint, optimizing energy usage, and embracing eco-friendly packaging solutions. The company actively engaged employees, suppliers, and customers in their green mission, inspiring a collective commitment to environmental preservation. By the end of March, the “Go Green @ 40” campaign had not only redefined the distributor’s identity but also set a powerful example of corporate social responsibility, influencing the business landscape in Melaka and beyond.

March 2016

Melaka Shipment – Carry Over Weight

In March 2016, a logistical challenge emerged during a significant shipment in Melaka. As a crucial consignment was being prepared for transport, it became apparent that the cargo weight exceeded the allowable limit. The situation prompted a series of urgent decisions and actions to rectify the issue. The team worked tirelessly, reevaluating the cargo, optimizing packaging, and adjusting transportation arrangements to ensure compliance with weight regulations. Despite the unforeseen setback, their determination and quick thinking led to a successful resolution. The shipment departed on schedule, and valuable lessons in cargo management were learned. The experience served as a catalyst for improved processes and reinforced the importance of thorough planning and adherence to regulations in future logistics operations.

April 2016

400k Outlet Support Green

In April 2016, a momentous environmental initiative unfolded as a retail giant launched the “400k Outlet Support Green” campaign. With a vast network of outlets across the country, the company committed to making all 400,000 of its stores more eco-friendly. The campaign aimed to implement sustainable practices, such as energy-efficient lighting, waste reduction measures, and the use of biodegradable packaging materials. The company also encouraged its customers to participate in recycling programs and offered incentives for eco-friendly purchases. As the campaign gained momentum, environmental awareness flourished, prompting other businesses and communities to follow suit. By the end of April, the “400k Outlet Support Green” campaign had transformed the retail landscape, leaving a lasting legacy of sustainability and inspiring a nationwide movement towards a greener future.

April 2016

Polyseed Kedai

In April 2016, a pioneering venture named “Polyseed Kedai” emerged, revolutionizing the local agricultural industry. Driven by a vision to promote sustainable farming practices, the founders introduced a unique concept of selling biodegradable seedling pots made from recycled materials. The innovative design allowed farmers and home gardeners to transplant seedlings directly into the soil, reducing plastic waste and promoting healthier plant growth. The Polyseed Kedai quickly gained popularity, attracting customers who valued eco-conscious choices. With a growing demand for their products, the company expanded its offerings to include organic fertilizers and environmentally-friendly gardening tools. By the end of April, Polyseed Kedai had successfully cultivated a community of environmentally-aware individuals, fostering a greener and more conscious approach to agriculture and gardening in the region.

April 2016

WEF Event

In April 2016, the world’s attention turned to a momentous event hosted by the World Economic Forum (WEF). The highly anticipated WEF Event brought together global leaders, innovators, and visionaries from various industries to address pressing global challenges. Held in a prestigious venue, the event featured a series of dynamic discussions, panels, and workshops focused on finding sustainable solutions for economic, social, and environmental issues. Participants engaged in constructive dialogues, sharing insights and best practices to shape a more inclusive and equitable future. The WEF Event also provided a platform for emerging entrepreneurs and startups to showcase groundbreaking innovations. By the end of April, the impact of the WEF Event reverberated worldwide, inspiring collaborations and commitments to drive positive change on a global scale.

May 2016

CEO of MOT Mr Gan

In May 2016, an inspiring leadership journey took center stage as Mr. Gan, a visionary and driven individual, assumed the role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at the Ministry of Transportation (MOT). With a wealth of experience in the transportation sector and a passion for transformative change, Mr. Gan wasted no time in spearheading bold initiatives to enhance the nation’s transportation infrastructure and services. Under his guidance, the MOT launched innovative projects to improve public transportation, reduce carbon emissions, and streamline logistics networks. His inclusive leadership style and emphasis on collaboration fostered a sense of purpose among the MOT team and stakeholders alike. By the end of May, Mr. Gan’s dynamic leadership had already started to make a profound impact, setting a precedent for a brighter and more efficient future for the nation’s transportation sector.

May 2016

Green Malaysia Sea Game

In May 2016, Malaysia embarked on an extraordinary journey to host the “Green Malaysia Sea Game,” a sporting event with an environmental twist. Pioneering a new approach to hosting major competitions, the organizers integrated sustainability practices throughout the Games. From sourcing eco-friendly merchandise and implementing waste reduction initiatives to promoting public transportation for attendees, every aspect was carefully orchestrated with environmental impact in mind. The Games provided a platform to raise awareness about conservation and climate action, engaging athletes and spectators alike. The nation witnessed an unprecedented display of athletic prowess and a united commitment to protect the planet. By the end of May, the Green Malaysia Sea Game left an enduring legacy, inspiring future hosts of international events to embrace sustainable practices for a greener world.

May 2016

Honestly Enterprise Award

In May 2016, the prestigious “Honestly Enterprise Award” ceremony celebrated the remarkable achievements of businesses that exemplified honesty, integrity, and ethical practices. The event, organized by a renowned business association, recognized companies that had consistently upheld high moral standards and transparency in their operations. The evening commenced with inspirational speeches from industry leaders, emphasizing the significance of integrity in fostering trust and long-term success. As the awards were bestowed upon deserving recipients, stories of corporate responsibility and ethical leadership emerged, inspiring a renewed commitment to honesty and fair practices in the business world. By the end of May, the Honestly Enterprise Award had not only honored exemplary businesses but also fostered a collective aspiration to promote integrity and uphold ethical standards as cornerstones of sustainable business growth.

May 2016

Kedah Market Adoption

In May 2016, a heartwarming transformation unfolded in the Kedah market as part of a community-driven adoption initiative. Local businesses and individuals rallied together to revitalize the market’s atmosphere and support struggling vendors. Inspired by a shared commitment to the community’s well-being, volunteers spruced up the market with fresh paint, repaired stalls, and introduced eco-friendly practices such as recycling bins and reusable bags. The spirit of adoption extended beyond physical improvements, as established businesses mentored and collaborated with smaller vendors to help them thrive. The market buzzed with newfound energy and a sense of camaraderie, drawing more visitors and customers. By the end of May, the Kedah Market Adoption project had not only breathed new life into the market but also demonstrated the power of collective action and compassion in uplifting local communities.

May 2016

NRE Minster Meeting

In May 2016, a critical meeting took place with the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE) at the helm. The NRE Minister Meeting brought together policymakers, environmental experts, and stakeholders to address pressing issues related to natural resource conservation and environmental protection. As the meeting commenced, discussions centered around strategies to combat deforestation, promote sustainable energy solutions, and address climate change challenges. In-depth deliberations also took place on policies to safeguard biodiversity and protect endangered species. The meeting served as a platform to align agendas, exchange ideas, and foster collaboration between various sectors for the greater good of the environment. By the end of May, the NRE Minister Meeting had set the stage for comprehensive action plans, reaffirming the nation’s commitment to preserving its natural heritage for future generations.

June 2016

DBKL Green Seminar

In June 2016, the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) organized a groundbreaking “Green Seminar” aimed at promoting sustainable practices and environmental awareness within the city. Renowned experts, policymakers, and community leaders gathered to share insights and strategies for creating a greener and more eco-friendly Kuala Lumpur. The seminar covered a wide range of topics, including waste management, energy efficiency, green architecture, and urban green spaces. Attendees were encouraged to adopt environmentally-friendly practices in their businesses and daily lives. The Green Seminar sparked a city-wide movement, inspiring initiatives such as tree-planting drives, recycling campaigns, and the development of green technologies. By the end of June, the seminar had successfully sown the seeds of a more sustainable and resilient Kuala Lumpur, with a united commitment to preserving the city’s natural beauty and reducing its ecological footprint.

June 2016

Langakwi Green Program

In June 2016, the enchanting island of Langkawi embarked on a transformative journey known as the “Langkawi Green Program.” Recognizing the significance of preserving its pristine environment and rich biodiversity, the island’s authorities and local communities came together to champion sustainable practices and eco-tourism initiatives. The program involved beach clean-ups, mangrove conservation efforts, and the promotion of responsible tourism practices. Local businesses also embraced eco-friendly measures, such as reducing single-use plastics and implementing energy-saving initiatives. As the “Langkawi Green Program” gained momentum, it garnered international attention and accolades, further bolstering the island’s reputation as a leading eco-tourism destination. By the end of June, Langkawi had blossomed into a model of environmental stewardship, inspiring travelers and communities around the world to embrace sustainable practices and cherish the natural wonders of our planet.

July 2016

ECF Polyseed Visit

In July 2016, a transformative encounter took place as the “Polyseed” team embarked on a meaningful visit to an Early Childhood Education Center (ECF). Driven by their passion for environmental education, the Polyseed team aimed to introduce young minds to the wonders of nature and sustainable practices. The visit comprised interactive workshops, engaging activities, and hands-on experiences, enabling the children to plant their own seeds and learn about the importance of nurturing the environment. The children’s eyes sparkled with curiosity and excitement as they discovered the magic of green growth and the significance of protecting the planet. The ECF staff and parents were equally inspired by the Polyseed team’s dedication, recognizing the immense impact of environmental education on the next generation. By the end of July, the Polyseed visit had sown the seeds of environmental consciousness in the hearts of the young learners, leaving a lasting impression that would grow into a greener, more sustainable future.

July 2016

Hero Go Green

In July 2016, a community-driven initiative named “Hero Go Green” captured the hearts of local residents as ordinary individuals stepped up to become eco-heroes. Armed with a shared mission to protect their beloved city, these eco-conscious volunteers donned capes and embarked on a series of green initiatives. From organizing neighborhood clean-ups and tree-planting drives to promoting recycling and advocating for sustainable practices, the hero volunteers inspired a wave of positive change throughout the city. Their collective efforts gained momentum, attracting attention from businesses, schools, and local authorities. By the end of July, the “Hero Go Green” movement had transformed from a small group of enthusiasts into a city-wide force for environmental preservation, demonstrating the extraordinary power of everyday heroes in creating a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable urban landscape.

July 2016

Malaysia Largest Packing Going Green

In July 2016, Malaysia witnessed a historic event as the nation’s largest packaging company embarked on a momentous journey towards sustainability with its “Going Green” initiative. Recognizing the environmental impact of packaging waste, the company pledged to revolutionize its operations and products. The ambitious project involved a comprehensive shift towards eco-friendly materials, such as biodegradable and compostable packaging, reducing plastic consumption and embracing recycled materials. Collaborating with environmental organizations, the company initiated educational campaigns to raise awareness about responsible packaging practices among consumers and businesses. By the end of July, the “Going Green” initiative had not only transformed the packaging industry but also set a powerful example for others to follow, emphasizing the role of businesses in driving positive change and safeguarding the planet for future generations.

July 2016

OSK Group Green Initiative

In July 2016, the OSK Group, a prominent financial services and property development conglomerate, launched a visionary “Green Initiative” that would redefine their commitment to sustainability. The initiative focused on integrating eco-friendly practices across all aspects of their diverse portfolio. OSK Group invested in renewable energy sources, installed energy-efficient technologies, and adopted sustainable building designs for their property projects. They actively engaged employees, clients, and stakeholders in environmental conservation efforts, encouraging recycling and advocating for green commuting. The Group also established partnerships with environmental organizations to support conservation and reforestation initiatives. By the end of July, the OSK Group’s “Green Initiative” had transformed their corporate culture, inspiring positive change within the organization and setting a benchmark for responsible business practices in Malaysia’s corporate landscape.

July 2016

Uni Green Awarness

In July 2016, a remarkable journey of green awareness began at a renowned university with the launch of the “Uni Green Awareness” campaign. Driven by a passionate group of students, faculty, and staff, the campaign aimed to foster environmental consciousness and sustainability practices within the university community. Interactive workshops, seminars, and awareness drives were organized to educate students about eco-friendly habits, waste reduction, and energy conservation. The campaign also included the creation of green spaces on campus, promoting the importance of greenery and its positive impact on well-being. As word spread, the “Uni Green Awareness” campaign gained widespread support, engaging students from various disciplines and inspiring a culture of environmental responsibility on campus. By the end of July, the university had transformed into a hub of green initiatives, reinforcing the power of collective efforts in creating a greener and more sustainable future for generations to come.

August 2016

High Fever to Penang Meeting

In August 2016, a medical emergency unfolded during a critical meeting in Penang. As the meeting commenced, one of the participants suddenly developed a high fever and exhibited signs of illness. Concerned colleagues quickly summoned medical assistance, and the individual was promptly taken to a nearby hospital for immediate care. Despite the unexpected setback, the meeting proceeded with a sense of urgency and determination, as colleagues rallied together to ensure the participant received the necessary medical attention. Throughout the day, messages of support and well-wishes flooded in from attendees, showcasing the camaraderie and compassion among the participants. By the end of August, the individual had made a full recovery, and the incident served as a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy and cooperation, even in the face of unforeseen challenges during professional engagements.

August 2016

Idaman Kedah Using Green Plastic

In August 2016, a progressive change swept through the state of Kedah as the “Idaman Kedah” initiative took a remarkable step towards environmental sustainability. Embracing eco-friendly practices, the initiative mandated the use of green plastic bags in all retail outlets and businesses across the state. Made from biodegradable materials, these green bags aimed to curb plastic pollution and reduce the harmful impact on the environment. Supported by government incentives and public awareness campaigns, businesses swiftly adopted the green plastic bags, setting a new standard for responsible waste management and fostering a culture of environmental consciousness. By the end of August, “Idaman Kedah” had emerged as a trailblazer in the fight against plastic pollution, inspiring other regions to follow suit and commit to greener practices for a cleaner, more sustainable future.

August 2016

Penang Sin Chew Meeting

In August 2016, a significant meeting was convened in Penang, bringing together representatives from the renowned Sin Chew Daily, a leading Chinese-language newspaper in Malaysia. The meeting aimed to discuss innovative strategies to amplify the newspaper’s impact and adapt to the evolving media landscape. Attendees engaged in lively discussions on digital transformation, audience engagement, and content diversification to cater to the changing preferences of readers. The meeting also delved into the importance of upholding journalistic integrity and ethical reporting in the digital age. As the meeting concluded, the participants left with renewed enthusiasm and a shared commitment to uphold the newspaper’s reputation as a credible and influential voice in the community. By the end of August, Sin Chew Daily had embarked on a path of innovation and adaptability, setting a precedent for the future of media in the digital era.

August 2016

Tesco Sign Up Green Progamme

In August 2016, Tesco, a leading retail giant, launched a transformative “Sign Up Green Program” aimed at promoting sustainable practices across its stores and engaging customers in environmental stewardship. The program encouraged shoppers to sign up for a digital green initiative, opting for electronic receipts instead of printed ones, thereby reducing paper waste. Tesco also introduced reusable shopping bags made from recycled materials, inspiring customers to make eco-friendly choices. The “Sign Up Green Program” involved educational campaigns and in-store events, raising awareness about the importance of sustainable consumption and waste reduction. By the end of August, Tesco’s initiative had garnered significant support from customers, fostering a culture of environmental responsibility and setting a new standard for sustainable retail practices in Malaysia.

September 2016

Eco Festival by Mango

In September 2016, Mango, a renowned fashion brand, hosted a spectacular “Eco Festival” to promote sustainable fashion and environmental awareness. The festival aimed to inspire consumers to make eco-conscious choices and embrace sustainable fashion trends. The event featured runway shows highlighting eco-friendly collections made from organic materials and recycled fabrics. Mango collaborated with eco-friendly designers and local artisans, showcasing their innovative creations that blended style with environmental responsibility. The festival also included interactive workshops on sustainable fashion practices, recycling, and upcycling, encouraging attendees to be more mindful of their fashion consumption. By the end of September, the Eco Festival by Mango had sparked a growing movement for sustainable fashion, influencing the industry and empowering consumers to make a positive impact on the environment through their fashion choices.

September 2016

Green Market Place

In September 2016, a revolutionary concept emerged with the launch of the “Green Market Place,” a digital platform dedicated to promoting eco-friendly products and sustainable businesses. The marketplace provided a virtual space for environmentally conscious entrepreneurs and brands to showcase their green products and services to a wider audience. Customers could easily browse through a diverse range of eco-friendly options, from organic food and sustainable fashion to energy-efficient gadgets and eco-tourism experiences. The “Green Market Place” also featured informative blogs, webinars, and interactive forums, fostering a community of like-minded individuals committed to making greener choices. As the marketplace gained popularity, it became a catalyst for driving demand for sustainable products and catalyzing positive change in consumer behavior. By the end of September, the “Green Market Place” had solidified its position as a driving force in the sustainable economy, facilitating the transition towards a more environmentally conscious and responsible world.

September 2016

Putrajaya Green Awarness

In September 2016, Putrajaya, the administrative capital of Malaysia, witnessed a transformative campaign known as “Putrajaya Green Awareness.” Led by local authorities and environmental organizations, the campaign aimed to raise awareness about sustainability and environmental conservation among residents and visitors. The city was adorned with vibrant green banners and posters promoting eco-friendly practices, waste reduction, and energy conservation. Interactive workshops, seminars, and tree-planting events engaged the community in hands-on activities to foster a sense of environmental responsibility. The campaign also involved collaborations with schools and businesses, empowering them to adopt greener practices. As the month progressed, the city embraced a greener identity, with residents actively participating in sustainable initiatives and making conscious choices to protect the environment. By the end of September, “Putrajaya Green Awareness” had instilled a lasting commitment to environmental stewardship, ensuring that the city continued to flourish as a model of sustainability for generations to come.

September 2016

Sin Chew Award

In September 2016, Sin Chew Daily, a prominent Chinese-language newspaper, held its prestigious “Sin Chew Award” ceremony to honor outstanding individuals and organizations that had made remarkable contributions to society. The event recognized exemplary achievements in various fields, including philanthropy, environmental conservation, arts, and education. Distinguished individuals and visionary leaders received accolades for their unwavering dedication to social causes and positive impact on the community. The “Sin Chew Award” also celebrated innovative initiatives and community-driven projects that had uplifted the lives of many. As the award ceremony concluded, the recipients’ stories of compassion, resilience, and ingenuity inspired a sense of hope and unity among the audience. By the end of October, the “Sin Chew Award” had not only celebrated extraordinary individuals and initiatives but also sparked a renewed commitment to building a better, more compassionate society.

September 2016

TV9 Interview

In September 2016, a momentous interview took place on TV9, a leading television network in Malaysia. The interview featured a renowned environmentalist who had dedicated their life to advocating for environmental conservation and sustainability. During the candid conversation, the environmentalist shared their journey, from the early days of raising awareness to their involvement in various conservation projects. The interview touched upon pressing environmental issues, such as climate change, deforestation, and endangered species protection. Viewers were inspired by the environmentalist’s passion and commitment to safeguarding the planet for future generations. The interview prompted a national dialogue on environmental responsibility, sparking discussions among policymakers, businesses, and the public on how to address environmental challenges collaboratively. By the end of September, the TV9 interview had elevated environmental consciousness in Malaysia, serving as a catalyst for meaningful action and a greater collective dedication to preserving the country’s natural treasures.

October 2016

Johor Green Bio Policy

In October 2016, a significant milestone was achieved in Johor, Malaysia, with the launch of the “Johor Green Bio Policy.” Spearheaded by the state government, the policy aimed to promote sustainable practices and the use of renewable resources across various industries. The policy provided incentives for businesses to adopt green technologies and eco-friendly practices, encouraging the reduction of carbon emissions and the conservation of natural resources. Johor also actively supported research and development in bio-based industries, fostering a greener and more innovative economy. The “Johor Green Bio Policy” received widespread support from businesses, environmental groups, and the public, setting a bold example for other states to follow. By the end of October, the policy had set Johor on a path towards a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future, showcasing the region’s commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable development.

October 2016

SME Pletnuim Award

In October 2016, a prestigious event celebrated the remarkable achievements of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia as the “SME Pletnuim Award” ceremony took center stage. Organized by a prominent business association, the award recognized SMEs that had demonstrated exceptional growth, innovation, and social impact. A rigorous selection process identified the most outstanding businesses, showcasing their contributions to economic development and job creation. The ceremony brought together industry leaders, government officials, and entrepreneurs to celebrate the resilience and entrepreneurial spirit of SMEs. By the end of October, the “SME Pletnuim Award” had not only honored exemplary businesses but also inspired a new generation of entrepreneurs, encouraging them to strive for excellence and play a pivotal role in driving Malaysia’s economic prosperity.

November 2016

Johor Green Bio Policy Awareness

In November 2016, Johor embarked on an ambitious mission to raise awareness about its groundbreaking “Green Bio Policy.” The state government launched a month-long campaign to educate businesses, industries, and the public about the policy’s significance and its potential to transform the region’s economy into a greener and more sustainable one. The campaign included workshops, seminars, and public forums to explain the policy’s objectives, incentives, and benefits for adopting green practices and renewable resources. Johor also collaborated with media outlets to spread the message far and wide, reaching businesses of all sizes and individuals across the state. As the awareness campaign gained momentum, more companies embraced green technologies and sustainable practices, creating a positive ripple effect throughout the region’s economy. By the end of October, the “Johor Green Bio Policy Awareness” campaign had laid a strong foundation for a more environmentally conscious and economically resilient future for Johor.

May 2017

Asian Youth Entrepreneur

In May 2017, an extraordinary event unfolded as the “Asian Youth Entrepreneur Summit” brought together young visionaries from across the continent. Hosted in a vibrant city, the summit aimed to foster entrepreneurship and innovation among the youth. The event featured a series of inspiring keynote speeches by successful young entrepreneurs who had made significant impacts in their respective industries. Interactive workshops, panel discussions, and networking sessions provided invaluable insights and mentorship opportunities to aspiring entrepreneurs. The summit also showcased a startup competition, where innovative ventures pitched their ideas to a panel of investors and industry experts. By the end of May, the Asian Youth Entrepreneur Summit had sparked a wave of entrepreneurial passion, empowering a new generation of business leaders to drive economic growth and positive change across Asia.

June 2017

Johor Green Study with Ministry Datuk Ayob

In June 2017, a momentous collaboration took place as the Johor state government and the Ministry of Environment and Water embarked on a “Green Study” initiative. Led by the esteemed Datuk Ayob, the Minister of Environment and Water, the study aimed to assess the region’s environmental challenges and identify sustainable solutions. Experts and researchers conducted in-depth studies on issues like waste management, water conservation, and biodiversity preservation. Datuk Ayob actively engaged with local communities and stakeholders during field visits, gathering valuable insights and understanding the concerns of residents firsthand. As the study progressed, town hall meetings and forums facilitated open discussions on environmental policies and initiatives. By the end of June, the “Johor Green Study” had laid the groundwork for future environmental strategies, emphasizing the importance of collaborative efforts in safeguarding the environment and fostering a more sustainable future for the state.

July 2017

Johor Celebration with Green

In July 2017, Johor, a state known for its natural beauty, embraced a month-long “Celebration with Green” campaign to raise environmental awareness and promote sustainable practices. The celebration featured a series of eco-friendly events, workshops, and activities organized by the state government and various environmental organizations. Towns and cities in Johor were adorned with green decorations, showcasing the commitment to environmental stewardship. Educational programs in schools focused on teaching students about biodiversity, conservation, and waste reduction. Public parks hosted tree-planting drives, engaging local communities in fostering green spaces. The campaign also encouraged businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices and offered recognition for sustainability efforts. By the end of July, the “Celebration with Green” campaign had not only united the people of Johor in their commitment to environmental preservation but also paved the way for a greener, more sustainable future for the state.

August 2017

DBKL Officer Education

In August 2017, the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) launched a transformative “Officer Education” program to equip its officers with the knowledge and skills to promote sustainable development and environmental conservation within the city. The program encompassed a series of workshops, training sessions, and seminars that focused on various aspects of sustainability, waste management, green infrastructure, and urban planning. Recognizing the critical role of DBKL officers in shaping the city’s future, the program emphasized the importance of incorporating environmental considerations into policies and projects. Officers engaged in hands-on activities, such as community clean-ups and tree-planting initiatives, fostering a sense of responsibility towards the environment. By the end of August, the “DBKL Officer Education” program had empowered the city’s officers to become champions of sustainability, driving positive change and fostering a greener and more livable Kuala Lumpur for its residents and visitors.

August 2017

Polyseed Fire

In August 2017, an unfortunate incident occurred at the headquarters of Polyseed, a leading environmental organization, as a devastating fire broke out. The fire engulfed the office premises, destroying valuable resources, equipment, and research materials. However, the Polyseed team did not lose hope and sprang into action with remarkable resilience. The community rallied together to support the organization, offering donations and volunteering assistance. With unwavering determination, Polyseed rebuilt its office and continued its mission of environmental advocacy and conservation. The incident served as a poignant reminder of the fragility of our natural world and the importance of the organization’s work. By the end of August, Polyseed emerged stronger than ever, with renewed dedication to its cause and a deepened sense of gratitude for the support of the community. The incident inspired a sense of unity and reinforced the organization’s commitment to making a positive impact on the environment, even in the face of adversity.

September 2017

Johor Green Minister Meeting

In September 2017, a momentous event took place as Johor hosted the “Green Minister Meeting,” bringing together environment ministers from across the country. Led by the esteemed Minister of Environment and Water, the meeting aimed to discuss pressing environmental issues and explore collaborative solutions for a greener future. In-depth discussions centered on sustainable development, climate change mitigation, and conservation efforts. The meeting also highlighted successful green initiatives from various states, inspiring others to replicate these models. Johor’s commitment to environmental preservation and sustainable practices was showcased through field visits to eco-friendly projects and nature reserves. As the meeting concluded, a united commitment to environmental stewardship and inter-state cooperation was evident, emphasizing the importance of collective action in safeguarding Malaysia’s natural heritage. By the end of September, the “Green Minister Meeting” had set a precedent for continued collaboration and commitment to environmental protection and sustainability in the country.

September 2017

Star Paper

In September 2017, Star Paper, a prominent paper manufacturing company, embarked on a transformative journey towards sustainability. The company launched a comprehensive “Green Transformation” initiative, aiming to reduce its environmental impact and embrace eco-friendly practices. Star Paper invested in state-of-the-art technology to optimize resource usage and minimize waste generation. They implemented sustainable sourcing practices, using certified renewable materials for paper production. The company also adopted energy-efficient measures and reduced greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to the fight against climate change. Additionally, Star Paper actively engaged with local communities, organizing recycling campaigns and promoting environmental education. By the end of September, the “Green Transformation” had positioned Star Paper as a trailblazer in the paper industry, setting an inspiring example for other companies to follow in their pursuit of environmental responsibility and sustainable growth.

October 2017

Alor Setar – SWCorp Green Initiative

In October 2017, Alor Setar, the capital city of Kedah, embarked on a groundbreaking “SWCorp Green Initiative” in collaboration with the Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Corporation (SWCorp). The initiative aimed to tackle the pressing issue of waste management and promote a greener city. Alor Setar residents were encouraged to participate in waste separation programs, reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills. The city introduced innovative recycling centers and composting facilities to encourage sustainable waste disposal practices. The “SWCorp Green Initiative” also involved educational campaigns on waste reduction and environmental conservation, engaging schools, businesses, and local communities. By the end of October, Alor Setar had made significant progress towards becoming a more environmentally friendly city, illustrating the power of collective action in creating a cleaner and greener urban landscape for its residents.

October 2017

Johor Green Exhibition

In October 2017, Johor hosted a remarkable “Green Exhibition” that showcased the state’s commitment to environmental conservation and sustainability. The exhibition featured an array of eco-friendly products, innovative green technologies, and educational displays on environmental initiatives. Local and international companies, environmental organizations, and government agencies came together to demonstrate their green solutions and promote sustainable practices. The exhibition also offered interactive workshops, seminars, and panel discussions, engaging visitors in discussions on pressing environmental issues and potential solutions. Schools and youth organizations actively participated, showcasing their green projects and initiatives. The “Johor Green Exhibition” attracted a large audience, raising awareness about the importance of environmental stewardship and inspiring individuals and businesses to take proactive steps towards a greener and more sustainable future. By the end of October, the exhibition had left a lasting impact, driving a new wave of eco-consciousness in Johor and fostering a culture of environmental responsibility across the state.

November 2017

Alor Setar – SWCorp Green Campaing

In November 2017, Alor Setar launched an impactful “SWCorp Green Campaign” in collaboration with the Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Corporation (SWCorp). The campaign aimed to promote sustainable waste management practices and foster a culture of environmental consciousness among its residents. The city organized a series of engaging activities, including community clean-ups, recycling drives, and tree-planting events. Educational workshops and seminars were conducted to raise awareness about waste reduction, recycling, and composting. The “SWCorp Green Campaign” also encouraged businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices and reduce their environmental footprint. The campaign gained immense traction, with widespread participation from schools, community organizations, and local residents. By the end of November, Alor Setar had experienced a significant shift towards responsible waste management and a greener lifestyle, setting a benchmark for other cities in Malaysia to follow in their pursuit of environmental sustainability.

November 2017

Johor Green Policy Annoucment

In November 2017, Johor made a groundbreaking announcement as the state government unveiled its comprehensive “Green Policy.” The policy encompassed a wide range of initiatives aimed at promoting environmental conservation and sustainability across all sectors. The announcement outlined ambitious targets for renewable energy adoption, waste reduction, and biodiversity preservation. The “Green Policy” also included measures to promote sustainable agriculture, eco-tourism, and green transportation. Johor actively engaged with local communities, businesses, and environmental organizations to ensure the successful implementation of the policy. The announcement received widespread support from residents and stakeholders, who saw it as a bold step towards creating a greener and more sustainable future for the state. By the end of November, Johor’s “Green Policy” had set a precedent for other states in Malaysia to follow, emphasizing the significance of proactive environmental policies and collective efforts in safeguarding the natural beauty and resources of the region.

November 2017

Johor MPPJ Bio Rosot Campaing

In November 2017, the Majlis Perbandaran Pasir Gudang (MPPJ) in Johor launched an innovative “Bio Rosot Campaign” to promote sustainable waste management practices and encourage composting in the community. The campaign aimed to reduce organic waste sent to landfills and transform it into valuable compost for gardens and agricultural use. MPPJ distributed composting bins to residents and provided educational materials on composting techniques. Interactive workshops and demonstrations were held to educate residents on the benefits of composting and its positive impact on the environment. The “Bio Rosot Campaign” received overwhelming support from the community, with residents actively participating in composting and waste separation programs. By the end of November, the campaign had made significant strides in reducing organic waste and fostering a culture of environmental responsibility, positioning MPPJ as a leader in sustainable waste management practices in Johor.

December 2017

Johor MPJB Green Exchange

In December 2017, the Majlis Perbandaran Johor Bahru (MPJB) organized a transformative “Green Exchange” event to promote sustainable practices and environmental awareness in the city. The event aimed to encourage residents to adopt eco-friendly lifestyles and exchange recyclable materials for valuable rewards. MPJB set up collection centers for various recyclable items, such as paper, plastic, and glass, and provided incentives like discount vouchers and eco-friendly products in return for contributions. The “Green Exchange” also featured informative booths and workshops on waste reduction, renewable energy, and green technologies. The event attracted a large number of participants, sparking enthusiasm for sustainable living and waste management. By the end of December, the “Green Exchange” had not only incentivized recycling but also nurtured a sense of responsibility among Johor Bahru residents towards environmental preservation, making the city a shining example of green initiatives in Malaysia.

January 2018

Johor Green Policy Awarnss Bunting

In January 2018, Johor intensified its commitment to environmental conservation with an innovative “Green Policy Awareness Bunting” campaign. The state government strategically placed eye-catching banners and bunting across cities and towns, featuring key aspects of the “Green Policy.” The campaign aimed to raise public awareness about the policy’s objectives and highlight its significance for a sustainable future. The bunting displayed important environmental messages, such as waste reduction, green transportation, and conservation efforts, encouraging residents to adopt eco-friendly practices. Educational materials on the “Green Policy” were also distributed to schools, businesses, and communities, fostering a culture of environmental responsibility. By the end of January, the “Green Policy Awareness Bunting” campaign had successfully ignited public interest and garnered widespread support for the state’s proactive measures towards a greener and more sustainable Johor.

January 2018

Johor Official luanch Bio Compost and Rosot

In January 2018, Johor witnessed a significant milestone in waste management as the state officially launched the “Bio Compost and Rosot” initiative. The program aimed to promote composting and recycling organic waste to reduce landfill burden and produce valuable compost for agricultural use. Johor provided composting bins and educational materials to households and businesses, encouraging them to segregate organic waste for composting. The initiative also included the establishment of composting facilities and partnerships with local farmers to utilize the compost in agriculture. As residents embraced the “Bio Compost and Rosot” initiative, organic waste diversion increased significantly, resulting in a positive impact on the environment. By the end of January, the program had set a precedent for sustainable waste management practices in Johor, demonstrating the state’s commitment to environmental conservation and innovative solutions for a greener future.

February 2018

Terrenganu State Event

In February 2018, Terengganu hosted a grand State Event celebrating the region’s natural beauty and cultural heritage. The event showcased the state’s unique blend of traditions, art, and natural wonders. Festivities kicked off with vibrant cultural performances, traditional dances, and local delicacies that delighted both residents and visitors. The event also featured exhibitions on Terengganu’s rich history and traditional crafts, drawing attention to the importance of preserving cultural heritage. As part of the celebration, the state government organized environmental awareness programs, raising consciousness about conservation and sustainable practices. The State Event fostered a sense of pride among the people of Terengganu and reinforced the significance of preserving the state’s natural and cultural treasures for future generations. By the end of February, the event had not only showcased the state’s beauty and cultural diversity but also inspired a collective commitment to safeguarding Terengganu’s unique identity and environment.

March 2018

ERL Melaka – Langfrey

In March 2018, an exciting collaboration unfolded between the Express Rail Link (ERL) and the Melaka state government, resulting in the introduction of the “ERL Melaka – Langfrey” project. The project aimed to enhance transportation connectivity and tourism in Melaka by extending the ERL rail network to Langfrey, a picturesque coastal town. The state-of-the-art ERL train system provided residents and tourists with a fast and convenient mode of travel, reducing travel time and easing congestion on roads. The launch of the ERL service also led to an increase in tourism to Langfrey, as visitors flocked to explore the town’s historical sites, beautiful beaches, and vibrant cultural scene. By the end of March, the “ERL Melaka – Langfrey” project had not only improved transportation infrastructure but also boosted economic opportunities for local businesses and enriched the tourism experience in the charming town of Langfrey.

April 2018

Melaka – Kopersi Wearhouse

In April 2018, an intriguing development unfolded in Melaka with the transformation of a historic warehouse into the “Kopersi Wearhouse” – a unique retail concept where local artisans and entrepreneurs could rent space for just 45 cents per square foot. The initiative was aimed at promoting small businesses and providing them with an affordable platform to showcase their products. The Wearhouse quickly became a bustling hub for a wide range of locally-made goods, including handmade crafts, traditional artworks, and artisanal food items. Visitors and tourists flocked to the Kopersi Wearhouse, appreciating the diverse offerings and supporting local talents. The project not only breathed new life into the historic warehouse but also nurtured a vibrant community of creatives, fostering economic growth and cultural preservation in Melaka. By the end of April, the Kopersi Wearhouse had become a must-visit destination, exemplifying the spirit of entrepreneurship and creativity in the heart of Melaka.

April 2018

MPAJ – Licesen Collection and Education

In April 2018, the Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ) in Selangor launched a transformative “License Collection and Education” initiative to enhance compliance with business licensing regulations and raise awareness about their importance. The campaign aimed to streamline the licensing process and improve revenue collection while ensuring businesses operated legally and responsibly. MPAJ established dedicated collection centers to facilitate easy license renewals and provide businesses with information on regulatory requirements. Educational workshops and seminars were conducted to educate entrepreneurs on the benefits of obtaining proper licenses and adhering to local laws. The initiative encouraged businesses to embrace a culture of compliance and social responsibility. By the end of April, the “License Collection and Education” initiative had not only boosted MPAJ’s revenue but also fostered stronger ties between local businesses and the municipality, resulting in a more efficient and transparent licensing process that contributed to the overall growth and development of Ampang Jaya.

April 2018

MPAJ – Ramadan Awarness

In April 2018, the Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ) in Selangor launched a thoughtful “Ramadan Awareness” campaign to ensure a safe and harmonious fasting month for all residents. The campaign focused on promoting a sense of community, fostering understanding, and providing support to those observing Ramadan. MPAJ organized events that brought people of different backgrounds together, encouraging interfaith dialogue and cultural exchange. The campaign also highlighted the importance of conserving water and reducing food wastage during the month of fasting. MPAJ collaborated with local mosques, community centers, and NGOs to distribute food aid to underprivileged families, embodying the spirit of giving during Ramadan. By the end of April, the “Ramadan Awareness” campaign had succeeded in nurturing a more inclusive and compassionate community in Ampang Jaya, exemplifying the essence of Ramadan as a time of unity and empathy.

April 2018

SP3 Ready

In April 2018, a significant milestone was achieved with the successful completion of the “SP3 Ready” initiative. The initiative, spearheaded by a collaboration of public and private sector organizations, aimed to enhance disaster preparedness and response capabilities in the region. Through rigorous training programs, workshops, and mock drills, emergency responders and community members were equipped with essential skills and knowledge to handle various disasters effectively. The “SP3 Ready” initiative also focused on promoting community resilience and raising public awareness about disaster risks and safety measures. By the end of April, the initiative had fostered a more prepared and resilient community, ensuring that the region was better equipped to face potential disasters and protect the well-being of its residents.

April 2018

Alor Setar Ramadan – Awarness

In April 2018, Alor Setar embarked on a proactive “Ramadan Awareness” campaign to ensure a harmonious and safe fasting month for its residents. The campaign focused on promoting tolerance, understanding, and compassion among the diverse communities in the city. Alor Setar organized interfaith events, cultural exchanges, and community gatherings to foster unity and mutual respect. The campaign also emphasized the significance of conserving water and reducing food wastage during Ramadan, encouraging sustainable practices. Alor Setar’s local authorities collaborated with mosques and community leaders to distribute food aid to the less fortunate, exemplifying the spirit of giving during the holy month. By the end of April, the “Ramadan Awareness” campaign had strengthened the sense of solidarity and inclusivity in Alor Setar, creating a more harmonious and caring environment for all residents to observe Ramadan.

May 2018

Dr Yus Team – JB MB PA

In May 2018, a remarkable team led by Dr. Yus made a transformative impact on Johor Bahru’s urban landscape through the “JB MB PA” initiative. The initiative aimed to revitalize public spaces and beautify the city through creative urban planning and community engagement. Dr. Yus and his team collaborated with local artists, architects, and residents to reimagine public areas, transforming neglected spaces into vibrant parks, green spaces, and public art installations. The initiative also involved educational workshops and seminars on sustainable urban development, raising awareness about the importance of preserving green spaces in a rapidly growing city. By the end of May, the “JB MB PA” initiative had breathed new life into Johor Bahru, fostering a sense of pride and ownership among the community, and creating a more livable and sustainable urban environment for residents and visitors alike.

May 2018

Dr Zulkapli CEO SWCorp

Dr Zulkapli CEO SWCorp

In May 2018, an inspiring chapter unfolded with the appointment of Dr. Zulkapli as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Corporation (SWCorp). Dr. Zulkapli, an accomplished environmentalist and visionary leader, brought a fresh perspective and innovative approach to waste management and public cleansing. Under his leadership, SWCorp launched a series of groundbreaking initiatives to promote recycling, waste reduction, and sustainable waste disposal practices. Dr. Zulkapli actively engaged with stakeholders, including local communities, businesses, and government agencies, to foster collaboration and build a more resilient waste management system. His commitment to environmental conservation and dedication to creating a cleaner and greener Malaysia earned him widespread recognition and respect. By the end of May, Dr. Zulkapli’s visionary leadership had set SWCorp on a path of transformation and positioned the organization as a driving force in the nation’s journey towards a more sustainable future.

May 2018

ERL MPPJ – Mr Johari

ERL MPPJ – Mr Johari

In May 2018, an exciting collaboration unfolded between the Express Rail Link (ERL) and the Majlis Perbandaran Petaling Jaya (MPPJ), led by the visionary Mr. Johari. The partnership aimed to enhance transportation connectivity and ease traffic congestion in Petaling Jaya, a bustling city in Selangor. Mr. Johari and the MPPJ worked closely with ERL to introduce a new rail line connecting key areas in Petaling Jaya to the ERL network. The project involved extensive planning and infrastructure development to accommodate the new rail line. As a result of this collaboration, residents experienced improved accessibility and a more efficient mode of transportation, reducing the reliance on private vehicles and alleviating urban traffic woes. By the end of May, the ERL MPPJ project had not only improved transportation options but also reinforced Mr. Johari’s commitment to sustainable urban development and progressive solutions for the city’s growing needs.

May 2018

T-Mart Terenggnu GLC

T-Mart Terenggnu GLC

In May 2018, an exciting venture unfolded as Terengganu’s state government launched the “T-Mart Terengganu GLC” project. The initiative aimed to boost economic growth and support local businesses by establishing a government-linked company (GLC) called T-Mart. The company provided a platform for local entrepreneurs to showcase their products and services, with a focus on promoting locally-made goods and traditional crafts. T-Mart also collaborated with the state’s tourism industry to offer visitors a unique shopping experience, showcasing the rich cultural heritage and natural beauty of Terengganu. As the project gained momentum, T-Mart became a popular destination for both residents and tourists, boosting the local economy and celebrating the region’s artistic talents and cultural diversity. By the end of May, the T-Mart Terengganu GLC had demonstrated the state’s commitment to empowering local businesses and promoting sustainable economic development.